13th Sept 2020
The 6th European Healthcare Design 2020 Congress is coming up on-line and IHP are featuring strongly at this significant international healthcare event. IHP are again proudly sponsoring the EHD2020 Awards Presentations that are sessions 43 to 47 on Thursday 17th September.
On the Main stage of the event there is a COVID-19 Global Summit also on Thursday 17th September.
IHP have been selected to present, along with papers from` Sweden, Switzerland and Germany on the pandemic and field hospital response.
You can join Alan Kondys, IHP Framework Director, Garry Bowker, Regional Director and Caroline Mulholland, Clinical Liaison Manager in Session 35, from 11.30-13.00 to take part in our presentation on “IHP – Supporting the NHS in the COVID-19 crisis”.
Additionally, Alan Kondys will be chairing the session on Resilient design in the circular economy, with talks from the USA and Sweden. This is session 25 on Wednesday 16th September, from 14.30-15.45.
Check out the event programme.
If you are with the NHS and wish to participate in this on-line event live or dip in to the content at any time we can get you free passes. Please contact Alan Kondys and we will set this up for you.
The Covid-19 crisis has brought forward long-term change for everyone. The unexpected challenges of the pandemic have not only broken down barriers but have also been the catalyst to new ways of working and innovative ideas.
It dawned on me the other day that I have now been the IHP Framework Director for 11 years and I have reflected on the evolution of IHP and our role in the ProCure Frameworks over that period.
As Integrated Health Projects (IHP) Framework Director I am immensely proud of the contribution we have made to NHS efforts to respond to the COVID-19 emergency.