Integrated Health Projects is an established joint venture between VINCI Construction UK Limited and Sir Robert McAlpine Limited.

Integrated Health Projects - 11 Years at IHP

14th Aug 2020

By Alan Kondys, Framework Director

Alan Kondys

It dawned on me the other day that I have now been the IHP Framework Director for 11 years and I have reflected on the evolution of IHP and our role in the ProCure Frameworks over that period.

I took up the role towards the end of P21 and we were working on a series of Framework schemes across the country ranging from £500k to £65m in value covering acute and community hospitals and mental health facilities. We were at the same time delivering innovative solutions that were increasing efficiency and improving healthcare outcomes. At Broadgreen Hospital in Liverpool, we pioneered the barn theatre concept that provided increased productivity and reduced post-operative infection rates. We shared this approach with other NHS Trusts and we went on to deliver barn theatres at Wrightington Hospital and Chase Farm Hospital.

Then came our successful bid and appointment onto P21+. I recall that P21+ delivered a step change in the level and nature of collaboration between the Principle Supply Chain Partners (PSCP). Together we rose to the challenge of responding to the efficiency agenda reflected in the Government Construction Strategy and the Naylor Report. IHP played a significant part in this and I introduced the concept of repeatable rooms that we had developed within the private healthcare sector. I recall sharing a platform with Peter Hansford (Government Construction Advisor) and presenting this initiative to an audience of NHS Trusts and health sector designers. We got remarkable feedback with 85% of those attending saying they would welcome and utilise this form of standardisation. IHP picked up on this mandate and formed part of the P21+ working group that researched, designed and tested these evidence based repeatable rooms. We have gone on to utilise this repeatable room concept on most of our Projects including on the award winning Chase Farm Hospital, the largest project delivered under P21+.

Next was of course P22 and IHP were selected for this third iteration of the ProCure Framework. The exemplar level of PSCP collaboration continued and I co-sponsor the P22 Efficiency & Productivity Programme – Design Working Group. This group has responded to the NHSE/I agenda and developed a suite of Project Assurance Tools to provide certainty and clarity in the setting and monitoring of project objectives, briefs and designs. IHP have also participated in the MMC journey. I sponsor the P22 MMC working group that is engaged with the Infrastructure Projects Authority, New for Old and on standardisation for the HIP hospitals.

IHP has been selected to work within the Construction Innovation Hub on the Platform Construction System project for public sector buildings. We have of course continued to deliver a broad range of projects including the first social care facility delivered under the Framework. Our team have been rewarded for this commitment and dedication and we have the highest cumulative value of registered P22 projects.

Bringing us right up to date we have delivered a series of COVID-19 emergency projects. This includes our team’s remarkable achievement in completing the 750 bed Manchester Nightingale Hospital in just 13 days. We also delivered 130-beds at Preston (Sir Tom Finney Sports Hall UCLAN) for Lancashire and Cumbria NHS Trust via P22 and Rainbow surge centres at Bangor (223 beds) and Deeside (419 beds) under the NHS Building for Wales framework.

Together that’s over 1500 beds in less than a month! This has been an incredible performance by the IHP team. We were asked to assist the NHS in this national emergency and I cannot overstate how proud I am that IHP have delivered.

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