4th June 2020
Integrated Health Projects (the JV between VINCI Building and Sir Robert McApline) has now handed over a brand new NHS facility.
Located within the University of Central Lancashire campus and described as a ‘mini-Nightingale’ the facility can house up to 130 step up/step down/step across patient beds to help in the fight against COVID-19 and assist in the demands being placed upon the regional hospitals.
Our ability to mobilise at speed was essential with the design developed as a team (including representatives from NHS, IHP, IES and Gilling Dod Architects). The installation presented the team with a number of complex challenges with the dedication of the whole site team who worked tirelessly over a 14-day period ensuring it was successfully handed over on time. A high level of collaboration and true team working was absolutely essential to the success of this very special fast track scheme.
There has never been a more important time to prioritise kindness and compassion for ourselves and for those we love, care-for and work with.
Integrated Health Projects (IHP) and its partners are proud to have been instrumental in the creation of the NHS Nightingale Hospital North West at the Manchester Central Convention Complex that opened officially today (Friday, 2pm, 17 April).
Manchester Central Convention Complex is being converted into a temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients, and will be officially known as “NHS Nightingale Hospital North West”.